Do you work in Alberta’s energy sector? We want to hear from you!

Young female energy worker on the job wearing a hard had and safety vest

The PetroLMI Division of Energy Safety Canada and EY have released a new survey – Diversity, Equity & Inclusion (DEI) in Alberta’s Energy Sector – to identify key challenges and opportunities in addressing the diverse needs of Alberta’s energy workforce.

The purpose of the survey is to understand the various dimensions of diversity, equity and inclusion (DEI) in the workplace from the energy workers’ perspective.

The survey will run from September 20 to October 16, 2022 and will explore:

  • gaps in awareness;
  • levels of understanding;
  • barriers to conversations;
  • dynamics between stakeholders;
  • perceptions of DEI practices within Alberta’s energy industry; and,
  • ideas to improve DEI practices.

The survey results will inform a new micro credentialing webinar series designed to offer new insights into individuals’ unique experiences, highlight best practices, encourage equal access to employment supports for equitable hiring, training and promotion opportunities. The program will identify and recognize DEI champions in Alberta’s energy workforce, who will earn a digital badge upon completion of the webinar series.

Calling all energy workers in Alberta – share your perspective now

PetroLMI and EY are asking anyone working in the energy industry to complete this survey to share their ideas and perspectives. The survey takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Woman and man operating the controls pf machinery

Stay in the know

To learn more about the survey and for updates on the webinar series, visit Careers in Energy and follow PetroLMI on LinkedIn, Facebook and Twitter.

All the data collected by EY and PetroLMI will be protected under the Alberta Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy (FOIP) Act.

The data EY provides to PetroLMI will not include any personally identifiable information, to protect respondent’ privacy and confidentiality.

This survey is funded in part by the Government of Alberta’s Labour Market Partnerships Program.

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