As an employer you are competing for the best and brightest. The traditional labour pool is shrinking. New technologies and innovation are changing the occupations, skills and knowledge needed to be successful in the energy sector. 

Photo courtesy of Carbon Management Canada

Recruit more effectively in a fast-changing industry

Are your recruitment and retention strategies in need of a boost? Canada’s energy industry is on the move — from the types of energy we produce to the technologies we use, from the talent pool to the types of skills required. As your business evolves, your talent and hiring needs also change, sometimes quickly.

We can help! Careers in Energy is the leading resource for career and labour market information on Canada’s energy sector. With a free resource hiring kit featuring hiring practices and tips, labour market data, more than 170 occupation profiles; career stories and more, Careers in Energy has the tools you need to help you promote your organization as an employer of choice and build your workforce.

Designed to support all energy employers, regardless of size or sector, these free resources will help your hiring and retention practices keep pace with the changing skills and knowledge demands of our industry.

Connect with us today!

We are more than just a website. The Careers in Energy team can help guide you through valuable information that is specific to your unique needs, including:

Contact our Employer Liaison

Contact Lisa Pollio, to book a free and personalized information session. Lisa will walk you through the resources and help to address your hiring and training needs. To learn more, visit our employer support page.


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