Virtual Reality Experiences

Explore the diverse work environments and worksites in the energy sector with our leading-edge virtual reality experiences. Experience the energy industry in a whole new way!

Virtual Reality Experience Guide

Welcome to the Careers in Energy virtual reality (VR) experience guide. In this short video we will walk you through getting started, using the VR equipment and exploring our virtual reality experiences.

Adapting Futures

Use virtual reality technology to explore careers in Canada’s emerging energy sectors. Find your career match in energy.


  • Take a tour of a petrochemicals plant
  • Learn first-hand about the cleantech innovation life cycle
  • Discover how solar, wind and geothermal energy can meet demand, and help the entire industry grow sustainably
  • See how automation is being used for routine tasks in energy
  • Find out what the demand is for jobs in industrial construction and maintenance as new energy projects begin

Experience the Energy: Take the Tour

Use first-of-its-kind virtual reality technology to tour worksites in Canada’s energy industry and determine which jobs interest you.


  • Conventional and automated drilling
  • Steam-assisted gravity drainage (SAGD)
  • Mining
  • Processing plant
  • Wellsite decommissioning
  • Natural gas and liquids pipelines

Experience the Energy: Take the Challenge

See how your skills align with some of the qualifications for 10 exciting jobs in the energy industry to receive customized career recommendations.


  • Drilling wellbores
  • Shooting seismic charges
  • Adjusting equipment valves
  • Conducting worksite hazard assessments

Experience the Energy: Take the Journey

Embark on an immersive virtual reality journey. Experience different worksites and discover your future career path in energy.


  • Carbon capture and storage
  • Upgrader
  • Refinery
  • Biofuels